Our goal is to bring together people who may be retired from full-time work but not from living their life to the fullest.
Indeed, U3A members seek out opportunities to make new friends, engage in new lifestyle activities and to learn new things.
The University of the Third Age (U3A) originated in Toulouse France in 1973, moved to the United Kingdom in 1982 and was founded in Australia (Melbourne) in 1984. There are now well over 200 U3A groups throughout Australia and national membership is heading towards 100,000. The U3A movement has been identified through academic research as being the fastest-growing adult education movement in the country.
The Port Sorell U3A was established by a volunteer committee in 2014 and presently offers over 30 programs per year to over 400 members.
U3A brings together people in their Third Age to continue their educational, social and creative interests in a friendly and informal environment.
Members of each U3A draw upon their knowledge and experience to teach and learn from each other (peer to peer learning).
There are no formal qualifications or exams to pass and there is no age limit to join U3A; the only criterion to join is that you are no longer in full-time employment (you are in the third stage of your life) and have the time to take part in the activities and learning on offer.
The Port Sorell U3A would like to acknowledge the following:
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