Are you interested in being a Course Leader?

A big shout out to our course leaders who are the backbone of our organisation. They give their time and knowledge freely to make U3A what it is.

You do not necessarily have to be an expert in your field or activity! If you have an interest that you think others might share - then consider convening your own group by contacting us to discuss your ideas or proposals.

We can help with any questions or queries as well as the practicalities of getting your group established.

Members of our Program Group are available to discuss course proposals and provide information about all aspects of running a course with U3APS.

We also organise course promotion in our website and newsletter, schedule classes, book venues and arrange course Leader support meetings.

If you are undecided and would like to discuss a possible course, let us know.

Course Proposal Form

Office Volunteers

Our Office Volunteers help in the day to day running of the organisation and are the the face of U3A Port Sorell.

Volunteering for just 2 hours on a regular basis, whether weekly, fortnightly, or monthly, can make a significant difference at U3A Port Sorell. By dedicating your time to help, you can provide valuable support to our members by offering information about the available programs.

Contact Us
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Our Volunteer Sub Committees

Our organisation cannot survive without volunteer help from members.

Program Group

An extremely important committee which organises, programs, course leaders, venues and a timetable for the list of programs.

IT Support

As the reliance on computers and technology continues to grow in all organisations, U3A Port Sorell recognises the importance of effectively managing their Google Suite, WiFi, computing, and technical hardware.

If you have experience in managing these systems or possess a strong willingness to learn and work with technology, U3A Port Sorell encourages you to get in touch with them.

If you would like to help we would love to hear from you!

Contact Us
Man and woman with a laptop